Junking Your Car Can Save Time and Money

Posted on Nov 27th, 2015

Selling your unwanted car that is in less than desirable condition might bring in fair cash, but it also might mean quite a bit of hassle. There is an option for vehicle owners that would like to sell their vehicle that is unwanted or used. The option is scrapping your vehicle. Wreckers Geelong is a wrecking company that offers instant cash for scrapping vehicle both damaged, used, unwanted and accident condition. When you think that you’d like to get the cash for your vehicle without the hassles of fixing and repairing, advertising and taking the time out with buyers, then we will junk your vehicle and pay you instant cash.

When considering junking your vehicle, you might think that you won’t get much scrap value from the vehicle. Junking vehicles can offer the vehicle owner quite a bit of cash as there are many high-value metals under the hood and in components throughout the vehicle that include Platinum, Titanium, Copper, Steel, etc. Wreckers Geelong recycles vehicles nearly 100 percent getting the most cash out of a vehicle owner’s recycle.

Selling Your Unwanted Car To Wreckers

When you have an unwanted vehicle, you can disassemble the vehicle and sell the vehicle as parts, scrapping its metal. Or you can sell the vehicle to a scrap car removal company like Wreckers Geelong. We are a company that offers free car removals and wrecks your vehicles for you. We don’t require that you do any prep work like pulling the engine apart for workable and recyclable parts. We do it for you. Whether your vehicle is running or not running, we will come to your location, removing it for free and throw in a free disposal and recycle that puts instant green in your pocket. We pay at the time of the removal, simply give us a call.

car wrecker geelong

Paying Someone to Remove the Vehicle

Don’t pay someone to remove your unwanted vehicle to get a cash deal on the car. We are a car removal and wrecking company that won’t charge you for your unwanted car of any condition. Our cash for cars system is one that is simple and extends to any make of vehicle. You simply let us know the details of your vehicle, and we’ll make you a cash offer.

Junking your vehicle can save you money, as well as make you money. You also don’t have to pay to have the vehicle towed away. You simply let us know the make, model, age, and condition of your vehicle, as well as things like the odometer reading, and we’ll make you a cash offer. Our car wrecker are aware of all the precious metals that are under the hood of your vehicle and put the cash in your pocket based on the recycle value of the vehicle. We are a cash for cars company that always makes cash offers.

Give us a call today and we’ll make you a cash offer on your unwanted car that will be worthwhile.

Call us at 0478 159 632.